record type
网络记录类型; 記錄類型; 记录型; 记录型态; 文种
These packages are not useful or usable by themselves, but add functionality to a record type. 这些包自己并没有什么用,但是会向一个记录类型添加功能性。
For example, do not change the name of a record type that you do not own. 例如,不要更改一个并不属于您的记录类型的名字。
Modify the record type for which you want to enable access control, and add a reference field. 修改你想要进行权限控制的记录类型,并增加一个reference字段。
Expand each record type. 展开每一个记录类型。
Your schema might be missing the information that a dependent package has been applied to a specific record type. 您的方案可能丢失了关于应用于特定记录类型依赖包的信息。
This maps it to the selected record type. 这样可以将它映射到选中的记录类型中。
Modify the default Defect record type to add a new field to the defect record type. 修改缺省的缺陷记录类型,在缺陷记录类型中增加一个新字段。
The default record type listed is always the first element in the drop-down menu. 列表中的默认记录类型通常是下拉框中第一个元素。
The primary display area shows detailed information on the record type in question. 主要显示区域展示目标记录类型的详细信息。
Type a title for the association window for the requirement type and record type. 在联系窗口中为需求类型与记录类型输入一个标题。
Add an access control hook on the actions of the defect record type. 在缺陷记录的action上增加一个accesscontrolhook。
The record type that they need to query against is TMConfiguredTestCase. 他们需要查询的记录类型是TMConfiguredTestCase。
In order to overcome this limitation, one could implement the Work Request record type. 为了克服这种局限性,你可以执行工作请求记录类型。
The Software Release Record is a state based record type. 软件发布记录是一个基于状态的记录类型。
This error message tells you that the record type Defect does not exist. 该出错信息会告诉您记录类型Defect并不存在。
Starting with the Task Mappings section, add a new record type by following these steps. 启用TaskMappings部分,通过以下这些步骤添加一个新的记录类型。
This page is devoted to detailed information on a specific record type. 该页面显示某个特定记录类型的详细信息。
In this example, you created a Task Mapping for the defect record type. 在这个例子中,您为缺陷记录类型创建了一个TaskMapping。
Each record type has to be mapped to a unique work item type. 每一个记录类型都需要映射到一个单独的工作项类型。
Consequently, one and only one developer works at a record type at any given time. 结果,有一个且只有一个开发人员会在给定的时间范围内去操作一个记录类型。
Note: this method is not limited to defect records; it can be applied to any record type to which you want to control access. 注意:此方法并不限于缺陷记录;它可以应用于任何你想进行权限控制的记录类型中。
After you get the URI, you can use it to get the resource template for each record type. 在您得到URI之后,您可以使用它来为每一个记录类型得到资源模板。
Each record type will require its inpidual synchronization rules. 每一个记录类型都需要它相应的同步化规则。
A mapping of the ClearQuest change request record type to Jazz work items must be modeled and implemented. ClearQuest变更请求记录类型到Jazz工作项的映射必须得到建模和实施。
A synchronization rule has to be configured for each record type. 您需要为每一个记录类型配置一个同步化规则。
This shows that only members in the "SuperAdmin" group can operate on the ACL record type. 这显示了只有在“SuperAdmin”组中的成员可以对ACL记录类型操作。
And for a custom integration, user can associate any record type with any requirement type. 对于一个通用的集成,用户可以将任意的记录类型与需求类型联系起来。
Although each stateful record type still has a state, it shouldn't be used to implement the workflow. 尽管每一个状态记录类型仍然拥有一个状态,那么您就不需要使用它,来实施工作流程。
The content type for the document that you want to send to the records center must match a record type stored on the records center site. 要发送到记录中心的文档或项目的内容类型必须与记录中心网站上存储的记录类型匹配。
Only one log record type expression is allowed in a query. 每个查询只允许一个日志记录类型表达式。
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