

academic degree

2024-07-03 16:44:49

网络学术型学位; 学术性学位; 学术型学位硕士; 学术学位; 学位


To receive a fair evaluation of his or her academic performance and moral character, and receive an education certificate or academic degree certificate, as appropriate, upon completion of the required programs; (三)在学业成绩和品行上获得公正评价,完成规定的学业后获得相应的学业证书、学位证书;

Article 22 The State applies a system of academic degree. 第二十二条国家实行学位制度。

So which one actually dictates our future, academic degree or capability? 是什么影响了我们的未来?学历还是能力?

Top-rated schools such as Stanford and Villanova University offer online professional certification and academic degree programs to students all over the world. 像斯坦福和维拉诺瓦这样的名校给全世界的学生都提供专业的线上认证以及学术学位项目。

Education of academic degree and postgraduate in 30 years in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine 北京中医药大学学位与研究生教育30年回顾与展望

Confer an academic degree upon; 'This school graduates 2,000 students each year. 授予某人学位;这所学校每年有2000名学生毕业。

In contrast, the Chinese academic degree system leaves much to be desired, due to inadequacy in awareness and policy. 我国的学位制度由于认识程度和政策法规等方面的原因,仍然存在不尽人意之处。

Historical retrospect and motivation analysis of academic degree authorization audit in China 我国学位授权审核的历程与动因分析

A person who has earned the highest academic degree awarded by a college or university in a specified discipline. 博士获得由学院或大学颁发的某一学科的最高学位的人。

Hosts of celebrities, like Wang Shuo and Feng Xiaogang, are not as high in academic degree as I, nor do I appreciate their works. 王朔、冯小刚,还有大批的影星们,学历都不如我,搞出的东西我也看不入眼。

Learning from the Western system will contribute to the improvement of the Chinese academic degree system. 借鉴欧美发达国家学位制度的特点,对我国学位制度的改进将带来积极的作用。

Proof of personal identity certificates, certificate of academic degree and resume of the proposed General Representative or Chief Representative. (三)拟任总代表或者首席代表的身份证明、学历证明和简历。

I give up my goal, say a first class academic degree I want to obtain and make sure. 我放弃了我的原先的目标,那个我一定要保证的一等的学位。

What is you study purpose if academic degree not sought? 如不拟攻读学位则研习目的为何?

An academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's. 比学士学位高但又比博士学位低的学位。

In the past two years, the pla's mobile post-doctoral stations and doctor's or master's degree authorization centers have increased by large margins, the academic degree authorization system has been improved gradually, and the training scale has been enlarged substantially. 近两年来,全军博士后流动站和博士、硕士学位授权点有了大幅度增加,学位授权体系逐步完善,培养规模有了较大增长。

Being a professor in the U.S.is a respected job not just because of a high academic degree, but because of taking a responsibility as a role model for the young generation. 在美国当教授是受人尊敬的工作,那不是只因为拥有高等学位,而是因为承担年青一代的典范责任。

If only dream a high level of academic degree is a easy one, that would be better to go to bed and have a good rest. 如果幻想着拿一个好的学位是很容易的话,那还不如早点上床睡觉。

Receive an academic degree upon completion of one's studies. 完成学业后得到学位。

These evening courses will lead toan academic degree. 读完这些夜校课程可获得学位。

A person with a high academic degree is not necessarily considered a good leader because academic achievement is not the same as administrative management. 一个人拥有高学位未必被认为就是好首领,因为学术成就与行政管理不同。

The quality of academic degree's dissertation directly affects and reflects the level and quality of postgraduate education. 学位论文的质量直接影响并综合反映了研究生教育的水平和质量。

Problems and Consideration of Academic Degree Education of Clinical Medicine 临床医学专业学位教育中的问题与思考

Taxpayer: it depends. the general establishment plan to name me as the chief representative of the office, But it has not been ratified formerly. Proof of personal identity certificates, certificate of academic degree and resume of the proposed General Representative or Chief Representative. 纳税人:还没有确定。总部可能任命我为首席代表。(三)拟任总代表或者首席代表的身份证明、学历证明和简历。

The school's non-permanent organs include the school's academic committee, the academic degree committee of public administration and the school's teaching committee. 学院的非常设机构有院学术委员会、公共管理分学位委员会、院教学委员会;

An academic degree conferred on someone who has successfully completed undergraduate studies. 完成大学教育后获得的学位。

With regard to academic degree, I will soon graduate from Tianjin Medical University. I am well-trained in terms of nursing tasks. 至于学历,我很快就要从天津医科大学毕业,我在护理方面受过很好的训练。

There is significant difference of OCB on factor age. Significant difference was found between the administrative staff and the operating staff whose academic degree differs. 员工组织公民行为表现在年龄方面有显著差异。行政人员与操作工人比,其因子分之间差异存在显著性;

My father in particular would have forgiven me anything except my not hanging on the wall the academic degree he could not have. 尤其是我爸,我做什么他都能原谅我,就是不能原谅我不能弄张他自己没弄到的学位证书挂在墙壁上。

Department personnel manager for major institutions to design architecture, environmental arts graduate, the highest academic degree for interior design. 康诺设计部人员都为各大院校建筑系、环境艺术系毕业,最高学历为室内设计硕士。



an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study

he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude


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