

include file

2024-07-15 06:39:06

网络包含文件; 头文件; 引入档; 包括文件; 引用文件


Examples include file systems being unmounted or Fibre Channel adapters being disconnected. 文件系统遭卸装或光纤通道适配器被断开连接。

These attributes include file owner and group permissions, access-control lists ( ACLs), and extended file attributes. 这些属性包括文件所有者及组权限,访问控制列表(ACL),以及扩展文件属性。

With MEMWATCH, you need to add the include file memwatch. h and turn on two compile time flags. 对于MEMWATCH,您需要添加包含文件memwatch.h并打开两个编译时间标记。

For example, my include file contains only the following text, and nothing more. 例如,我的包含文件只包含以下文本。

Many changes in the source files are related to changing the include file paths. 源文件中的很多改动与包含文件路径的修改有关系。

They are most effective when you keep your include file names static rather than variable-driven, so it's important to try to do this whenever possible. 当您将include文件名保留为静态而非变量驱动的时,它们最有效,因此尽可能尝试这样做很有用。

If PEAR is set up properly and XML_RSS installed, it will find this include file correctly and you will now have the XML_RSS object ready for your use. 如果正确设置了PEAR并安装了XMLRSS,那么它将正确地找到此引用文件,然后XMLRSS对象就准备好供您使用了。

If an include file is not sufficient and you want to add additional methods or customize the generation, the simplest way is to create a new JET skeleton. 如果只使用包含文件还不能满足要求,您可能会想添加其他一些方法,或者对代码生成过程进行定制;最简单的方法是创建一个新的JET骨架。

His Linux interests include file systems and compilers, and he is the author of possibly the only Perl Coding Standards document in existence. 他对Linux的文件系统和编译器感兴趣,并且他可能是现在仅有的Perl编码标准文档的作者。

The main sudoers file can then contain the local entries, and the include file would barely need editing as those entries are static. 主sudoers文件可以包含本地条目,包含文件包含静态条目,所以很少需要编辑。

As it searches for the included file, the compiler looks for a precompiled header in each directory just before it looks for the include file in that directory. 在搜索包含文件的过程中,编译器首先在每个目录中查找预编译头文件,然后再在这些目录中搜索包含文件。

Operating system examples include file access and network access. 操作系统的示例包括文件访问权和网络访问权。

When you exit out of visudo from the main sudoers file, it will take you to the include file for editing. 在从主sudoers文件退出visudo时,它会进入包含文件进行编辑。

Now you only have to include this file in scripts you wish to use it in. 现在您只能将此文件包含在需要使用它的脚本中。

The ROA product is shipped with an RPG include file ( QRNOPENACC) which contains the subfield definitions of the parameter that is passed to the handler program. ROA产品随RPGinclude文件(QRNOPENACC)一起提供,该文件包含传递到Handlder程序的参数的子字段定义。

The include file will be added completely into the compiled output, so it can reference any variables which have been declared up until that point. 所指定的包含文件会被添加到编译后的输出结果中,因此它可以引用到现在为止已经声明的任何变量。

You can have more than one include file, but I cannot think of a reason why you would want more than one. 可以有多个包含文件,但是我不认为有必要这么做。

You can just use an enum or a series of# define directives in a shared include file, or you can have yacc generate a list of predefined values for you. 您可以只是在一个共享的include文件中使用一个enum或者一系列define指令,或者您可以让yacc为您生成预定义值的一个列表。

Facilities include open file handles ( file descriptors), shared memory, process synchronization primitives, and current directory. 这些设施包括打开文件句柄(文件描述符)、共享内存、进程同步原语和当前目录。

Selecting a Multiple Document Interface will cause your project to include file support. 选择多文档界面将使项目包含文件支持。

Vcd0023: application mappings did not include a file extension. vcd0023:“应用程序映射”没有包含文件扩展名。

Excludes from the browse information file every include file specified with an absolute path or found in an absolute path specified in the include environment variable. 从浏览信息文件中排除用绝对路径指定的每个包含文件,或在include环境变量中指定的绝对路径里找到的每个包含文件。

Prices also include file server protection. 此程序也可用作文件服务器防护。

P2P application softwares include file delivery software, Voice over IP ( VoIP) software, and streaming media software. 摘要:P2P应用软件主要包括文件分发软件、语音服务软件、流媒体软件。

File names in the URL must include a file name extension. url中的文件名必须包括文件扩展名。

A reference may also include a file number and a date. 编号中也可包括档案号和日期。

The hardware and software conditions of the mangement should include file coverage, identification and mark. 高校数码照片档案科学管理的硬件和软件条件,应包括归档范围、鉴定、标注等。

The main functions of the system include file upload, file download, data regeneration, and storage nodes detection. 系统主要功能包括文件上传、文件下载、数据修复、节点检测等。

The server-side of digital rights management system implements the main part of system management, include file encryption, user management, licensing, and certification. 服务器端是数字版权管理系统中实施管理行为的主要部分,主要完成文件加密、用户注册、许可证发放、认证等功能。

Traditionally, the methods of information sharing in supply chain include file transporting, database sharing and remote procedure call. 实现供应链中信息共享的传统方式有文件传输、共享数据库、远程过程调用等,它们都存在着一定的局限。

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